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3. Benevolence or Mercy (仁 jin)
As a warrior, the Samurai have the power to kill. However, benevolence is about making sure that you are balanced in how you think. It is about making sure that you also have sympathy and mercy at the right time. For the Samurai it was about making sure you fought for the right reason and that if you had to kill someone, you did it for the right reason and your belief but that you also make sure that if there was no need to kill you would have mercy and be sympathetic.
4. Respect (禮 rei)
It is important that in everything they believe, they must have respect and be polite in everything. The way they live their life meant they must be respectful of their elders, they must respect life, respect others beliefs.
5. Honesty (誠 makoto)
Honesty was very important, as they believe that being honest in everything you do gives you respect and means you can be trusted.
6. Honour (名誉 meiyo)
To live and die with honor was very important to the Samurai. Everything they did was honorable which meant they did everything in what they believed with honor.
7. Loyalty (忠義 chūgi)
Loyalty was probably one of the very important parts of what they did. They treated each other like family and would do everything within their power to protect and help their samurai warriors. Loyalty was important because this means they can trust their warriors and know they would be loyal to whatever they needed to do and not worry about loosing their respect.